Write For Us

Topics We Cover:

At downdetect.net, we focus on providing our readers with useful and informative content related to:

  1. Internet outages and service disruptions
  2. Troubleshooting guides for common internet issues
  3. Tips and tricks for improving internet speed and connectivity
  4. Reviews and comparisons of internet service providers (ISPs)
  5. Updates and news related to internet infrastructure and technology

Submission Guidelines:

1. Original Content: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarized or previously published content will not be considered.

2. Content Quality: Ensure that your content is well-researched, informative, and provides value to our readers. We prioritize articles that are thorough, engaging, and provide actionable insights.

3. Word Count: Articles should typically be between 800 to 1500 words in length. However, we prioritize quality over word count, so feel free to reach out if you have a compelling idea that falls outside of this range.

4. Formatting: Please format your article with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling throughout your submission.

5. Images: If your article includes images, ensure that they are relevant, high-quality, and properly attributed (if necessary). Please provide image files separately and not embedded within the document.

6. Author Bio: Include a brief author bio (approximately 50 words) along with your submission. You may include a link to your personal website or social media profiles.

How to Submit:

To submit your article for consideration, please email it to [your email address] with the subject line “Article Submission for downdetect.net.” Please include your article as a text document or in a format compatible with Microsoft Word.

Editorial Process:

Once we receive your submission, our editorial team will review it for quality, relevance, and adherence to our guidelines. We may provide feedback or request revisions before final acceptance.


If your article is accepted for publication, we will notify you of the expected publication date. Please note that we reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, style, and length.

Thank You:

We appreciate your interest in contributing to downdetect.net and look forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [your contact information].

Thank you for considering writing for us!

[Your Name]
Editorial Team

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